makes me wanna cry always, especially hearing "inori" (you raise me up soundtrack sung by lena park)
its like an anime rpg, set in shakespearean time, the mystery of love within the world of final fantasy. timeless classic. one of the best anime series of 2008. the background is really really well rendered, the story is amazing, the soundtrack will touch you.
still, a best adaptation of a shakesperean classic.
In the fantastical aeropolis of Neo Verona, the noble house of Capulet had ruled peacefully for generations - until fourteen years ago, when the ancient grudge held by the rival house of Montague led to a mutiny, and the Capulets were disposed and all wiped out in a bloody coup. Now, as Neo Verona suffers under the thrall of its new masters, the fates of two star crossed lovers are about to become tragically entwined... As the citizens of the city suffer, the Capulet clan struggles to strike a blow against their enemies, and the Montagues tighten their grasp on power, an unlikely love blossoms between Romeo and Juliet - but in the face of such adversity, this ill-fated love may be doomed from the outset. Triumph or tragedy; only fate knows what awaits Romeo and Juliet. source: wikipedia
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